Treasures, Visible & Invisible is our third anthology of short stories by 8 Catholic Teen Books authors. It celebrates Saint Patrick and his teachings. In the above interview, first aired in 2021 when Treasures was published, T. M. Gaouette shares some fun behind-the-scenes details about this collection of stories, and invites teens to take a trip through time, along with an Irish treasure.
About the author: T.M. GAOUETTE is the award-winning author of the Faith & Kung Fu series for young adults. This series won a second place Catholic Media Book Award in 2022 for Best
New Religious Book series. Gaouette is also the author of The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch, Shadow Stalker, and For Eden’s Sake. The latter received an endorsement from Evangelist Alveda C. King in addition to winning a first place Catholic Press Association award in 2020 for Books for Young Adults. She also contributed to five Catholic Teen Books Visible & Invisible anthologies: Secrets, Gifts, Treasures, Ashes, and Shadows.