A teenage girl is the first to know God has come into the world. He enters human history through her, at the moment of her fiat.
“Let it be done to me according to thy Word.”
In silence and humility, He through Whom all things were made, without compromising His divinity, takes on human nature so that He can save us through it (CCC 461). He remains hidden in the heart and womb of she who loves Him perfectly. Her amazing, humbling secret. His gift for the world.
Nine months later, lowly shepherds are among the first to learn the Savior has been born. An angel told them. More angels fill the sky, giving glory to God. And Wise Men follow a special star, not sure what they will find. Seeking, searching, hoping. They find Him. The Gift is for all, rich and poor alike.
But the rest of the world goes on with daily life, unaware.
Two thousand years later, the message of the Gift has spread to the far corners of the world. But the world goes on with daily life, largely unconcerned. For many, the Gift does not matter.
Regardless, He through Whom all things were made now shares our humanity. He walks with us every day, as close as we allow, deep in our hearts, if we let Him. Even when we follow the wrong path or make bad choices or push Him from our hearts through mortal sin, He is there. He waits for us. He longs to heal us and restore us to grace. He, the Gift.

One thing I love about Catholic fiction is the God moment. Maybe a character has been on the wrong path or overwhelmed with trouble or facing some new problem. But in this God moment, the character’s gaze shifts from the visible to the invisible. With the eyes of faith, she looks at Jesus and opens her heart to His Gift . . . of friendship, reconciliation, salvation, healing, mercy, love . . .
Catholic fiction reminds me to look beyond the visible to the invisible, to Jesus Who is ever with me. In every joy, labor, quiet moment, challenge, sadness, and cross, He is there.
This Advent, I invite you to pause often throughout the day to turn to Jesus in your heart, even if for the briefest moment. Thank Him for the gift of Himself and for always being with you. Ask Him to guide your steps, especially as you prepare for Christmas this year. Recognize how much He loves you. And give Him your love in return—your gift to Him.