These stories make use of supernatural elements that do not exist in the real world, often inspired by mythology and folklore and including elements of magic (similar to Narnia and The Lord of the Rings). Books are likely to take a “Theology of the Body” approach to magic, whereby only abilities gifted by God or occurring naturally within the world of the story are used by good characters. Witchcraft or sorcery used by bad characters is clearly portrayed as being drawn from evil or satanic sources. Fantastical creatures, although imaginary, count theologically as “created beings” and cannot be intrinsically evil (the idea that God created any being intrinsically evil is a heresy called Gnosticism), therefore Catholic Teen Books fantasy novels may present a variety of fantastical creatures as either good or bad within the context of the individual book. If parents are uncomfortable with a particular type of fantasy creature, they are advised to check the content guides.